Making A Life, Not Just A Living

I’m an entrepreneur at heart. As a young boy I looked for ways to earn money by doing jobs around my community. In high school I saw an ad in the back of magazine on how to start an import/export business for just $20. I had such an adventurous spirit that I sent in my money and got back a “business-in-a-box” compete with instructions, stationary, business cards and how to fake a secretary…because in those days, to be legitimate, you had to have a secretary.
knew I didn’t want to go to college. I just wasn’t cut out for studying. I had another vision to travel and not tied to a desk. Making A Life So while I was still in high school I began purchasing soccer balls for pennies, importing them, and selling them to sporting goods stores for a healthy profit. I watched as store owners marked merchandise up to prices as high as $50. That was an eye-opening moment for me…the lid was off, and I saw the power I had to make as much money as I wanted even though I was just a teenager!
I took jobs as a waiter and a commercial fisherman to travel and gain life experience. The world was open to me and I was open to possibilities. That was when someone shared a mind-blowing opportunity with me that actually kept me up at night. I was so excited by the potential that I had sleepless nights of connecting the dots and, with a little leveraging, visualizing where it could take me! It was my first experience in the network marketing industry with a product I enjoyed and could believe in. I shared it with other go-getters and within 10 years I’d earned a million dollar paycheck.
Over the years, I’ve experienced the ups and downs of being in a cottage industry. I’ve gained priceless knowledge about what makes a stable network marketing company with longevity. In the past, while the products were grounded in maintaining good health, the formulas were easily replicated and big box stores with mass manufacturers began to offer knock-offs at lower price points, which made it impossible for individuals to compete. That’s why I am ELATED to work with a company, and their knowledgeable leadership, in the right place at the right time with the right, “patented products” not available anywhere else in the world. The access to technology and this platform enable me to grow a global business from my laptop, from my phone, by my swimming pool, on the golf course, from the beach, in the mountains, while on a cruise, from my home office, and with my wife and child by my side!
I tailor making a living around making a life with my family and friends. The best part is how fulfilling it is to know that I’m also giving back to my community through programs my company supports, I have time to volunteer for the Live Happy movement, and I am helping thousands of people achieve their dreams of financial independence and time freedom. The culture of this company is centered around empowering people to be better, to be enriched by personal development and to share the keys to real work-life balance. You just won’t find a more enjoyable, more purposeful driven opportunity to be your best self and live your best life!
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